COG Group | COG | Proteins |
Information storage and processing (Isp) | A - RNA processing and modification | 175 |
B - Chromatin structure and dynamics | 300 |
J - Translation | 44551 |
K - Transcription | 45073 |
L - Replication, recombination and repair | 41197 |
Total | 127734 |
Cellular processes (Cp) | D - Cell cycle control, mitosis and meiosis | 6989 |
M - Cell wall/membrane biogenesis | 38437 |
N - Cell motility | 12621 |
O - Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 25938 |
T - Signal transduction mechanisms | 31589 |
U - Intracellular trafficking and secretion | 16231 |
V - Defense mechanisms | 10799 |
W - Extracellular structures | 58 |
Z - Cytoskeleton | 50 |
Total | 130233 |
Metabolism (Me) | C - Energy production and conversion | 40556 |
E - Amino acid transport and metabolism | 56105 |
F - Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 18006 |
G - Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 39623 |
H - Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 30977 |
I - Lipid transport and metabolism | 22505 |
P - Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 34227 |
Q - Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism | 13450 |
Total | 238156 |
Poorly characterized (Pc) | R - General function prediction only | 76141 |
S - Function unknown | 58435 |
Total | 134576 |
Not in cogs (N.C.) | - - Not in COGs | 207017 |
Total | 207017 |